Air Tightness Testing with a Fan versus the Pulse Method
Rosanna Hynes Rosanna Hynes

Air Tightness Testing with a Fan versus the Pulse Method

This article explores the benefits of air tightness testing with a fan, a cost-effective and widely accepted method for measuring the air leakage rate of a building. We explain how this method works, why it is important, and compare it to pulse air testing. By identifying areas where air is escaping, air tightness testing can help improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and occupant comfort, making it an essential step in building management.

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Factors That Affect Air Tightness
Rosanna Hynes Rosanna Hynes

Factors That Affect Air Tightness

This article explains the factors that can affect the air tightness of a building, including its age, construction materials, and quality of installation. It highlights the importance of understanding these factors for improving energy efficiency and occupant comfort. The article also promotes air testing services as a way to identify and address air leakage issues. If you're interested in improving the air tightness of your building, this article is a great resource.

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Preparing for Air Tightness Testing
Rosanna Hynes Rosanna Hynes

Preparing for Air Tightness Testing

Learn how to prepare your building for an air tightness test to ensure accurate results. Close windows and doors, turn off HVAC systems, and seal any sources of air leakage. Find out what can and cannot be sealed for the test. Our experienced team with UKAS accreditation (4088) can guide you through the process and provide reliable results for improving energy efficiency. Contact us today to book your air tightness test.

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